Monday, May 28, 2018

Tubing and Time at the Lake

Jessica's family joined us at the lake for the long Memorial Day weekend. Years ago, when we bought our boat, we purchased some accessories, including a towable tube and a ladder mounted to the stern of the boat to permit people in the water to climb back aboard. Until this weekend, we just never seemed to give these things a try. Mike has had some prior experience with tubing, so it was good to involve him in this first outing. He and Leo were the first riders. 

Jessica and Maia rode next, but I thought I'd share this photo instead of a video of their adventure.

After the tubing, we stopped at an island where we could picnic and where the kids could further escape some of the rather intense heat we experienced over the weekend.

In the evening, we stopped at Musky Tale Resort for a pizza. Mike and the kids feigned terror at the feet of the establishment's carved bear.

I prevailed on them all for a family picture before they headed back home.

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