On Sunday, Betsy suggested we all go to The Grove, which is a park on the grounds of what was an estate belonging to John Kennicott, a horticulturalist and naturalist. You can read more here. The park is quite beautiful and a very peaceful place for walking and learning about local plants and animals. I recommend it if you are in the area.
One of the big attractions for the grandkids was this turtle pond. There were lots of turtles; also snakes of all kinds, amphibians, and fish. Henry claimed there was a snapping turtle that was older than Kathie and me put together!
There were lots of displays and hands-on things for everyone too.
Will, Sandy and Anders had driven in the previous afternoon to join in the fun. Here are the two blonde boys--Anders and Frederick.
The answer to the question everyone who sees this photograph will have is, "No. No one fell into the pond."
Penny loves her Pop! I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual.
Frederick didn't like stopping for pictures, but his parents have clever ways of getting him to stop for me.
Rob, you're such a serious guy! I don't think you really minded my taking these pictures. Check out Rob's new Apple watch! I wanted him to give me a guided tour, but we never found time for that.
Kathie got this more or less posed shot of all of us. There was lots of wiggling and attempts by parents were being made to get cooperation from everyone.
Frederick liked the mockup of a well.
All the grandkids found this "little house" fascinating.
A blacksmith demonstrated techniques as he made a stand for fireplace tools.