Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Summer Visitors

Catching up on my posts! During the second week in July, Rina and Dick visited us for several days. However, I failed to get many pictures. Here is one, at least, of Dick in the bow of our new little 12' jon boat, which we acquired for more comfortable trips up into the river. While he was here, we tried lots of Musky fishing and bass fishing, all to no avail. Temperatures, water levels, and changing weather patterns have made fishing very strange this year

They say that having a dragon fly land on your fishing rod means good luck. Well, I had one land on my thumb, which you would think would be really, really good luck. Alas, no! I enjoyed the feel of his/her little feet, though.

Paula and Ron were here this past weekend, and they brought Anders along with the. One thing we have always wanted to do since we started coming to Wisconsin was to attend the annual Honor the Earth Pow Wow on the LCO reservation. So, that is something all five of us did and thoroughly enjoyed on Saturday. The ceremonial dress is fascinating. This elder gave an invocation in the Anishanabe language.

Typical of many gatherings of this type that I've witnessed before is the presentation and honoring of those who have served in the U.S. military.

The dancing was fun to watch as well, and I love the drumming and singing/chanting that goes along with it.

I don't think Anders had ever witnessed a pow wow before. It was a very warm day, but he seemed to find it all interesting, though he liked visiting all the concessions and souvenir shops maybe more.

We tried fishing a couple of times, but even getting bluegill to bite so far this year seems a challenge.

Two of the things Anders liked most were spending time in our hot tub and then this one outing in the lake. He loves splashing about in the water!

Sometimes when we go out in our boat, especially when my sister is along, the boat comes back laden with pieces of driftwood. Several pieces had also been collected along our shore line and stacked on the dock earlier. You can take the girl out of the art room (retired from teaching), but you can't take the art out of the girl.

Of course, making s'mores is a mandatory part of a visit here, especially when youngsters are around. As I've probably said before, I'd rather just have the chocolate, but everyone else seems to enjoy roasting the marshmallows and having these gooey treats.

The ever-optimistic Tighe stands guard for opportunities to score some graham cracker crumbs or other handouts.