Friday, February 22, 2013

Finger Painting!

Maia was excited to see new snow this morning.

Nana wants her to be a true north woods girl, so she helped Maia put footprints, handprints, and her name in the snow.

Then it was time for finger painting, which includes donning one of Nana's special painting T-shirts.

 We start with a little blue.

Then add some green.

Red is always a nice addition.

And finally, some yellow!

What do you think of the masterpiece? It is now drying on the side of our refrigerator.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Snow and Other Fun

The snow has been very pretty up here in Wisconsin. The temperatures have been quite tolerable for crisp cold walks with the dogs or trips to the mailbox. Mostly, it has been below freezing, although the sun on dark surfaces like our deck frequently results in some melting. The birds have been delightful to watch–I've had the feeder filled since we arrived–mostly Chickadees but lots of other species too and a few squirrels.

I've gotten lots of good exercise, including some snow shoveling and lots of skiing and snowshoeing. I've done several trips around the perimeter of the bay in front of our cabin (up to the river, along the far shore, down to the bridge, and back to the cabin). I feel lots better when I'm exercising and look forward to getting out nearly every day.

Tighe likes the snow too. Josey as well, although I don't have pictures of her in the snow.

Kathie took this picture. She says it shows a contented old retired guy. (I might have made part of that up.)

Tighe likes bully sticks. We are told they are dried bull penises. (Really! You can't make this stuff up!)

Jessica and Maia are spending the week with us. Mike will be over in a couple days. Maia gets very excited about the pinball machine. She knows all the buttons to push at the right times.

Kathie and Jess have started a picture puzzle. I may have to help, being the puzzle meister that I am.

This morning, our neighbor brought her grandson Tyler over for a visit. Tyler doesn't get to spend much time with other little people, so this chance to play with Maia was not to be missed. He's a cute little guy just a couple weeks older than my grandson Fritz, who he will have to meet this summer.

Tyler's grandmother is one of his best buddies. We love having such good neighbors nearby.

This afternoon we took Maia out for an adventure on the snow on our lake. I pulled her around in her new sled for awhile. She was a real trouper and seemed to love every minute out there.

Grandma (Nana) was snowshoeing alongside us.

I had to make a snow angel for Maia. A girl who has relocated from Tennessee to Minnesota needs a little instruction in such things. Couldn't get her to try it out, though.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

North for Winter

Sad to say, but we just can't seem to get a good, honest winter in Iowa anymore. All we get are wet, sloppy, gray messes, if that, and few really nice cold temperatures. So, our property in northern Wisconsin is a nice place to escape to in the winter, because we do get good snow and cool air up here.

I bought Kathie her first pair of snowshoes for Valentine's Day this year. What a nice, romantic gift you're probably saying! Here she is donning them for her first-ever outing.

She thinks they are quite light and easy to use. I was impressed at how quickly she took to them.

I had been out on mine yesterday for a hike up to the river entrance and back. Today, I did most of the perimeter of the bay on which we are located. I'm a little out of shape and need to re-lose some weight I gained during the holidays, so this has been good exercise, even though my muscles are complaining a little.

Here's Kathie in motion.

I snapped this shot of our place near the conclusion of this morning's hike. We are supposed to get more snow this afternoon and tonight. Looking forward to it.