Wednesday, September 07, 2022

1st Followup Results

Today I had my first followup appointment subsequent to completing my chemotherapy regimen. The bottom line is that things look great at this point--no signs of cancer. I will continue to have checkups every three months for at least two years and then every six months thereafter. Reoccurrence of cancer, when it does happen, is most likely during the three years following the initial occurrence. Hence, the continuing checkups.

A few additional details, if you wish to know more. I am a part of a research study that involves a new, personalized method for detecting instances of relapse. You can read about it by clicking here if you wish. The very first use of this test for me occurred post-surgery in February and yielded very positive results. Blood was drawn this morning for another test, and I should receive those results in about three weeks. Down the road, additional instances of this test will be done.

Yesterday, a full throat to pelvis CT scan was done. My oncologist reviewed those results with me this morning. Everything was good. Known issues were all stable, and nothing new appeared. Routine blood tests were done this morning too, and again, everything looks good there--counts or measures that had been low or that were being depressed are all recovering, including the depressed platelet levels that had been a bit of a problem about midway through my chemotherapy program.

You may recall that I had a deep vein thrombosis issue (blood clot in my leg) about midway through my chemotherapy. Since then I've been on a blood thinner. That will continue until I have an ultrasound examination in December. Assuming there is no further indication of problems, I'll likely be taken off the blood thinner at that point.

My medical port will stay in place until around the six months point post-chemo. That will be sometime in March of next year. At that point, assuming all other indications continue to be positive, the port can be removed.

All good news! I'll have another detailed followup in December. So, back to the lake we go!!

While we were up there the latter part of August, Travis came for a visit along with Jessica and her family. Travis and Mike replaced some damaged roof shingles for me on our smaller garage, and we took the usual family "departure photo" of everyone before they headed back home.

One evening, we had a beautiful view off our deck looking out over the lake. This picture looks mostly to the east. The setting sun in the west was casting a strong pink hue over the clouds to the east, and with the reflection on the lake, things were very colorful.

Oh, and you will remember that pie I wanted to make from the apples on our trees at the cabin. Well here it is, and yes, I did eat my slices from the outside in and usually with cheddar cheese warmed over them. Remember: Apple pie without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze.