Monday, April 10, 2006


One stop during our adventure in Ohio about which we did not previously report was a pet store (Petland, or some such place). At this pet store, Paula fell in love with a Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier. Subsequently, she went back and forth, back and forth, over and over, thinking about should she or shouldn't she acquire a dog. Ron wasn't very excited about the idea. On the other hand, Kathie was very encouraging, coming up with all kinds of reasons why it would be good for Paula. The two of them visited various web sites and found some breeders in the area, thinking that a reliable breeder might provide a puppy with better genetic traits, especially related to dysplasia or other common problems. I attempted to stay back from all of this a respectable distance.

Anyway, yesterday we received an email with a subject line that read something like "Look who came to stay." Enclosed were numerous pictures of Zipper, the new resident at the Benfer home out there in Troy, OH. Because Paula isn't into the blog thing, I am taking some liberties by posting photos of my new "niece" Zipper. Oh, by the way, Paula and Ron are getting all new carpet in their house next week. One has to wonder about the wisdom (or not) of the timing of these two events in their life.

You can send your notes of congratulations or condolence to Paula and Ron at:

1 comment:

Carrie and Rob said...

as the song from "best in show" says, "god loves a terrier."
what a cutie that zipper is! i hope that she and oscar get to meet and frolic and revel in their shared terrier-ness at some point!
