Thursday, May 25, 2006


Retirement looms. I will be at my desk in the office today, tomorrow, and part of Wednesday, May 31st. May 31st also happens to be my birthday. Retirement as a birthday gift! How cool is that? Kathie's last day is tomorrow. There is a cake and punch event for her this afternoon, which her delightful staff is putting on. We are having a dinner in her honor the night of May 31st. A couple of weeks ago, the Department of Computer Science had a retirement reception for me with cake and other goodies and lots of undeserved nice words. Last week, many colleagues from around campus attended a picnic and honored me with more kind words and good wishes.

Retirement sure can have its rewards. Computer Science gave me the latest iteration of their sweatshirt, which, of course, has the current year expressed in hexadecimal (0x7D6 for the uninitiated). They also gave me a new iPod (one of the new ones that does video and pictures so well) with the back specially engraved to recognize some of my work there. Colleagues in OVPR gave me a chair with the UI seal and a brass plaque that notes my 38 years of UI service. The Dean of the Graduate College, a good friend, gave me a custom-made spinning rod and a denim shirt featuring the Graduate College name.

If you have not ever read the book Kindred, I highly recommend it. I'll gladly loan my copy. Octavia Butler is an African-American science fiction writer, and though this book involves time travel, it is more about confronting the reality that was slavery in the 1800s. The version that I picture here contains a companion critical essay and a set of discussion questions. The book has been widely regarded for more than 25 years and is evidently frequently used in literature courses. I learned about it through an interview with Butler on NPR. The image at left says "Look Inside." If you go to, you can actually do this, of course. To make that easy, click here.

Maybe like me, others of you have been reading or hearing a lot about the Dixie Chicks recently. I think everyone who can should buy a copy of their latest CD as a kind of referendum vote. They were right on in stating their views about "dubya", and I dislike the treatment they have since received. I bought a copy of the CD yesterday. It is really quite good, on top of the fact that it makes a number of statements--at least I think so. For my daughter (the one with the extra cute grandchild of mine), I especially recommend listening to "Lullabye."

Kathie bought a new Lexus IS 250 recently. Silver. Sweet! Pretty much like the picture at left. We drove it out to see Travis in Fort Collins last weekend. Good gas mileage. Fun to drive. Very comfortable. It was great to see Travis and his friend, Rachel. Saw a Colorado Rockies baseball game while we were there. Had some good food, played "Hand & Foot", did some noodling in various shops downtown, and managed to get in a little extra morning sleep. Josie went along. Even she likes the new car, evidently, as she snoozed in the back seat most of the way.

A new, wood, kitchen floor is being installed at our home as I write this. We are somewhat in disarray right now with this and related projects underway at home. Yet to do: all new baseboards, new first floor bathroom fixtures, painting, new wallpaper, new kitchen countertops, new stove, and (maybe) a new refrigerator.

Off to get a "Henry fix" this coming weekend. Haven't seen the little guy since March, and that is way, way too long. We haven't even been to their new home yet, so that problem gets fixed too. We will also attend a high school graduation celebration for Vicki and David, Kathie's twin niece and nephew. Kathie's mom will be up from Florida, and other relatives will be around as well, so this will definitely be a families weekend.



Betsy said...

I check here daily, so it's always nice to be surprised by a new post! I just did some grocery shopping for weekend festivities! Things to look forward to include: chiles rellenos casserole ( a different recipe than I've had before), grilled kebabs...and a couple of other things that I will have to re-locate in my cookbooks. Hmmm....what were those....?

Betsy said...

Ah yes....Ultradecadent double-chip brownies. They're from Cooking they're good for you!! Looking forward to the visit!