Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Christmas, 2006

The major snowstorms in Denver interfered with Travis's travels home for Christmas. He was supposed to fly home on the 20th, the day over 2000 flights were canceled. However, he did eventually make it home on Christmas Eve. Jessica had arrived on the 20th from Providence as planned. Both had to return to their respective homes on the 26th, but we did get to enjoy Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and part of the 26th together.

Josey was the first to dig into her presents. She worked on her stocking for awhile and then moved on to the devouring of unwrapped goodies. She even dressed up for the occasion with a gold ribbon.

Jessica modeled some new undies and also the scarf that was picked out for her during our recent trip to Italy. In one of the shots below, Jessica and her Mom both model their new Italian accessories.

Travis loved his new audio mixer and immediately began to delve into the owner's manual.

Kathie and I also did well on the gift front. She received a new Palm Pilot, and I received a new high-accuracy miter guage and crosscut sled for my table saw.

Later, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner, and then Jessica taught Kathie and me how to do an official wine tasting. It turned out that Jessica had to miss one session of her wine tasting class back at Johnson & Wales. Her instructor said that would be OK if she would do this make-up work with us, even offering extra credit! Because Kathie and I were still recovering from seasonal coughs and colds, we weren't sure that our aroma-detectors or taste-sensors were fully up to the job, but we had fun anyway. The process is quite involved.

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