Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad!

My father would have been 90 years old today. I'm not convinced that all children think their fathers are or were wonderful, but I think, and I know my sister thinks, that ours was. He taught us much, especially about the really important things in life--promises, integrity, responsibility, hard work, family, and much, much more. I think of him often, and sometimes I find myself saying something about a particular notion or with a particular tone of voice and will immediately think, "Oh my gosh! I just heard Dad's voice!" So, I guess he is still here, in a way, though he has been gone for nearly seven years now.

Anyway, Happy Birthday, Dad!!


Betsy said...

I think my dad's wonderful.
Those are some great photos.
Happy Birthday Grandpa.

Janice and Mike said...

I miss my Uncle Fritz -- and my Aunt Norie...sigh.