Thursday, June 04, 2009


On one of our last boating trips, we noticed a fox hanging out near some local cabins. In fact, there were two of them, along with two kits. So, the next time we went fishing, I took my camera and my "big" (400mm) lens. Well, the fishing wasn't too good, and so I became distracted by the chirping we kept hearing near where we were fishing. After maneuvering a bit, we spotted an eagle nest in a white pine. Here is a shot of the pair of eagles we saw there. Make no mistake about it–their idea of a nest is serious as compared to songbirds. It would be fun to watch them build one–flying around with logs (OK, big sticks) in their beaks and tucking them into position. I wonder what was in the nest with them??

Next, we spotted this heron, who was also fighting with big sticks. However, in his or her case, there seemed to be little point to the activity. He/she had trouble manipulating the sticks around the fallen tree, and then when he/she did succeed with that, he/she placed them on the ground. There didn't seem to be any nest building going on. I think it was just playing a game of Pick Up Sticks.

A pair of Loons came very near us, so although we see them regularly, I couldn't resist taking some pictures.

Finally, on the way home, we did spot one of the foxes. They have seemed to enjoy the sun.

But they generally high-tail it whenever humans are near, even if in a boat at a considerable distance away. Hey, Will, Rob, and Betsy! Makes you want to start singing "The Mysterious Fox of Fox Hollow." Doesn't it?

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I'm very envious of your critter encounters - especially the heron. I have lots of favorite birds and herons are in that group. We see lots of them here because we have a rookery just about a mile from us, but I would love to have seen this heron playing with the sticks. Anders noticed a heron flying over us a month or so ago after swimming lessons - I was so proud.