Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Palma de Mallorca

Our trip from Valencia to Palma de Mallorca overnight was fun. The captain had advised us that there would be a gale force wind (about 30 knots) astern and that we should plan to be sure footed if we were up and about. We were in our cabin when the ship left port at about 10PM and were headed to bed soon after. As soon as we passed the breakwater that guarded the port, we could begin to feel the sea. During the night, we rocked and rolled back and forth. It was actually quite pleasant, but I think both of us agree that it was the roughest sea we have experienced in the four cruises we have done. Maybe the North Sea a few years ago was stronger, although it is hard to remember now. Notable this time is the fact that this very big ship, which is very stable overall, still had to submit to the sea’s whims.

I don’t have a story to share about Palma de Mallorca, the large island to the southeast of Valencia that is one of the islands belonging to Spain. We chose to spend the day aboard ship to rest and relax. Views from our cabin verandah suggest that this port city may be quite pleasant. Mallorca is a significant vacation destination, and the number of sailing vessels and yachts in the harbor supported that notion.

We spend the next day at sea, taking two days to reach our next port of call in Tunisia on the North African coast. Oh—Kathie wants everyone to know that she won the trivia challenge in Palma de Mallorca, successfully completing the quiz on world explorers. She won a HAL lapel pin, which she intends to affix to one of her caps.

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