Tuesday, June 01, 2010

First Summer Weekend at the Lake

We are back at the lake for the first of our summer outings. Rob, Carrie and Eleanor were here for the Memorial Day weekend. Earlier, Kathie spotted a painted turtle moseying across our driveway. We thought Eleanor needed to see it, so we retained it in a big cardboard box overnight and then gave her a chance to see it when she arrived. We took it to the lake to be released, and unfortunately, this is the only shot I got of it. I needed to be quicker on the trigger. Maybe Carrie will post her picture of the turtle.

Here are Eleanor and her mom from their turtle watching post.

On Sunday morning, we went to a new favorite breakfast cafe. Eleanor likes to make things out of the little jelly or creamer packets.

But she doesn't like posing for pictures. Her Pop, as she calls him, always tells her to at least look at the camera and make a chipmunk face. She seems to have a good teacher.

The cafe had a bunch of old games for people to play if they want. Kathie spotted one called Stadium Checkers that she has always loved to play. So, she introduced Carrie to the game.

Meanwhile, Eleanor and her Pop continued to study the jelly packet structures.

I bribed our waitperson into taking this shot of all of us.

After a subsequent visit to our favorite local garden nursery, we took a boat ride. Rob grabbed my camera and took some shots along the way.

Eleanor wore Kathie's bandana and liked to say "babushka", which we told her was what such head covering could be called.

Our neighbors were out playing with their log rolling apparatus.

Later, Rob took Eleanor for a walk along the beach near a place we had stopped for a quick lunch.

I told Carrie that shots like the one below are really precious to me for reasons I expect you can see for yourselves.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I have two comments - love the babushka and when do i get to go to the garden store?