Sunday, November 14, 2010

Henry Makes A Car

A few weeks ago, Betsy and her family were here to spend a few days with us. Henry had previously said that he wanted to build something in my shop when he came--maybe a car. I told him that would be fun and that he should start by drawing a plan for the car he wanted to build. Here is the plan he created. His drawings are the ones on the right. The two on the left are ones I drew to discuss with him how the pieces were to be assembled. Note the several locations in his drawings where he shows a drill is to be used to create the holes for the axles for the wheels. I was impressed with this detailed work.

We started by making some wheels using a hole cutter on my drill press. There is a little movie below that shows Henry at work. Betsy admired her skillful son's work.

Clara just thought it was too noisy.

Here is my grandson making the wheels. I thought it was a little funny that he liked to really crank down on the drill, making some smoke in the process. I should have taught him to pull the hole cutter through the wood a little more slowly, but that can be a lesson for another day, I guess. We failed to get a picture of the finished product. Suffice it to say that Henry made a very nice little car and that he did most of the work himself. I look forward to building other things with him in the future.

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