Sunday, January 02, 2011

Christmas, 2010

I'm a little late getting this posted, but here are some miscellaneous shots from our holidays. First of all, our tree was smaller this year but especially pretty, I thought. It has been sucking up water like crazy and even sprouting new buds! I wouldn't be surprised to see that it has sent out roots!

Josey already knew how to open gifts. For Tighe, this was a new experience.

Here is Kathie's new cocktail shaker for use in Iowa. We already have one up in Wisconsin.

Kathie's mom and I are always joking about sporting events. She likes to tease me with silly questions about the games. I guess I do subject her to watching quite a few. Anyway, I thought two rule books would be fun surprises in her stocking. She seemed to really enjoy getting them and even asked me to autograph them for her.

On Christmas Day, Kathie's whole family was able to come and spend a couple days with us.

A few days later, Will, Rob and Betsy's families arrived for a Christmas gathering. Henry, being into dinosaurs these days, had gotten a paleontologist's kit from his Uncle Van. He brought that along and worked on it in my shop.

Eleanor and the rest of the grandkids were eager to begin opening gifts.

Clara consulted with her dad about the appropriate gift-opening protocols.

Meanwhile, I managed the extrication of gifts from beneath the tree.

Betsy received a book containing a record of her blog postings from 2005 to 2006. Similar gifts were given to Carrie and Sandy.

Anders was especially into gift-opening this year.

And there was lots of chair-lift riding. Dad would have found this hilarious.

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