Saturday, May 07, 2011

Happy Mothers Day to Some of the Best Moms I Know

Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful mothers who are a part of my life. Let me start with these three, each one of whom has blessed me with one or more terrific grandchildren.

Betsy always shows such an understanding and patient way with her kids. Maybe part of it is the teacher in her, but she just seems to be a natural mom. Henry and Clara are very lucky.

Granddaughter Eleanor has one of the happiest smiles and most imaginative natures. The devotion Carrie shows to Eleanor's well-being is obvious in every book she reads to her, every adoring look she gives her, and every bit of time she spends guiding her life in good directions.

There is no question that Sandy was destined to have a delightful, energetic, blond-headed boy. Anders is already showing the benefits of the guidance Sandy provides through her affectionate, loving, coaching ways. Anders is going to have a wonderful life, in no small part because of the many things Sandy will do with and for him.

Then there is the newest mom, Jessica. She walked through her pregnancy and delivery of Maia like it was no big deal. And that Maia is one of the most beautiful brand-new babies I've ever seen. We have loved watching this new mom and this new little girl interact with each other.

My Kathie has proven over and over again what a great mom she is for Jessica and Travis. The problem solver in her works on their behalf whenever and wherever needed. She is also a very giving, caring and sharing stepmom.

My mother-in-law is another wonderful woman. From our very first meeting, she has made me feel a true part of her family, and though she might occasionally urge me to slow down, I know she supports the person I am. I am very grateful for her love and caring.

She'll even go hot-tubbing with her girls.

Finally, let me not forget my own dear mother and my grandmother. Both of them have been gone far, far too long, but I think of them often and remember with great affection the boosts they gave me in my life and the love they showed me and mine.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

I'm humbled to be in such company.