Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

The three Decker children and their families were with us at the lake for the holiday weekend. Every bedroom was occupied, and the large family room was outfitted so that all but the littlest cousin could sleep together on a set of cots. I understand there was a fair amount of giggling and meddling as they tried to settle down each evening.

The nearly three days we shared together were filled with all kinds of activities and too much good food. For example, there was chalk drawing on the deck—here is Eleanor creating a blue slug.

Will found a baby snapping turtle in the sandbox, and before it was released into the lake, all the kids had a chance to study and touch it. Lots of pictures were taken of that little reptile.

The weather cooperated reasonably well, so there was some sunny time on the deck.

Fishing was on the agenda too, especially for the kids.

Clara has caught fish in prior years, but she was proud of this bluegill never the less.

I believe this was Eleanor's first-ever catch.

Anders caught a couple, the second almost completely by himself. I believe these were his first angling successes too.

Of course, on a Friday night, one must partake of one of the local fish fries.

Everyone cooked at least one meal. Rob made apple fritters for one of our breakfasts.

The hot tub became a swimming pool for the weekend.

Uncle Rob and Aunt Carrie played Sorry with Eleanor and Clara.

We grandparents had decided that minnow races might be a fun thing for the kids, so we made two raceways from some roof gutter parts and fashioned a couple of "starting gates" from wood. The minnows were not always cooperative, as you can see in this little movie clip.

I would have thought that the spectators would have been more wildly enthusiastic and supportive of their favorite participants, but there isn't much boisterous cheering in this picture.

This picture is in here just on general principles.

We rented a 25' pontoon boat for all of Sunday. So all eight adults and 5 children had plenty of space for the outing, which involved more fishing, sight-seeing, and a picnic.

At the picnic location, lots of interest in climbing arose.

Later, I thought I'd fascinate the grandkids with my remote-controlled sailboat. You can see in this picture just how fascinated they all were.

Doesn't get much better than this! Am sorry that they are already back at their respective homes.

1 comment:

Betsy said...

I really enjoyed our weekend and most of this post, but that photo of my belly is obscene!