Saturday, March 02, 2013

New Do

My significantly better half decided, a few days ago, to take the plunge for a completely new hairstyle. I have always liked longer hairstyles, but recently, I've noticed a number of very attractive shorter styles and commented about them to Kathie. So when she suggested she might do this, I encouraged her. Honestly, when she came home and walked in the door, I was blown away. I think she looks terrific and thought you might want to see the results too. In fact, I immediately thought we should have a date, so I changed and shaved and took her out for a nice dinner at our favorite restaurant.

One funny story to share: On her way home from the stylist's shop, Kathie decided to stop to see her mother and share the results with her too. Her mom was playing cards with friends when Kathie walked in. She said, "Hi!" Everyone responded, but then one of the friends said, "Who are you?" Kathie said she was Jane's daughter, at which point her mother turned and said, "Oh, I didn't know who you were either!" Diminished eyesight may have had something to do with this, but I suspect this new, modern look kept her from seeing what she usually expects to see.


Anonymous said...

Looks nice Kathie! I see a hint of Jessica!!! Paula

Jackie said...

Very lovely! I can see why you wanted a date with that beauty.