Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Fall, Garage, Puffballs, and Neighbors

Fall colors are very nice right now in northern Wisconsin.

The new garage is coming along nicely and may be finished by the end of this week.

The inside has been insulated and the shiplap interior is in place. Much of the electrical work is done with more to follow tomorrow. Windows and the main door will be installed tomorrow or the next day.

Lots of fungi are growing up here right now. I was told about this enormous puffball mushroom and decided to go take a picture of it. I placed my camera's lens cap atop it to give you some perspective. That lens cap is about 2-1/2" in diameter. My first impression of the puffball was an interesting one, given the crease it has near the dandelion blossom. I'll let you decide for yourselves what it reminds you of.

Jerry and Tyler came by for a visit this afternoon. We spent quite a bit of time watching the guys work on the garage. Tyler was fascinated by all the sawing, nail guns, and constant motion and banter of the workers.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Never heard it referred to as a "puffball" before!