Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy Birthday Dad

Dad would have been 96 years old this year. His birthday (March 15) used to be the day taxes were due, but that was prior to 1954. Having passed away in 2001, he never got to meet any of his wonderful great-grandchildren, but he would have loved all eight of them. Come to think of it, he never got to see any of his grandchildren get married, either, and I know he would have loved all of their spouses just as much as I do. He did know a couple of them at least. I see now where my current lack of hair comes from. He would have found the current Hawkeye basketball collapse just as frustrating as I do, but he would have enjoyed last season's somewhat unexpected football successes. I miss you, Dad. Too bad we can't meet for breakfast with all your friends at Ditto's like we used to do! If we could, I'd bring a cake with six candles, one for each set of 16 years, and you could easily blow them out for us.

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