Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Musical Visit

We spent a couple days with Betsy's family this week. One of the motivations was Henry's first band concert. A large group of 4th graders made up the beginning band, with Henry participating on his new alto saxophone. Here is one of their selections. Click to listen!

Henry is in the center of this picture.

I got to watch the concert with my pal, Frederick.

We gathered for ice cream back at the house after the concert, and Henry posed for a couple of different pictures. I imagine these represent his broad range of musical interests from classical to jazz and rock.

Clara and her grandmother played a piano duet for us too. She is quite good. Mary once again made our visit extra comfortable by providing us with a place to stay and lots of good conversation.

Franklin, the attack dog, monitored the visit.

Henry had decided to do the classic electric train under the tree this year, so I provided him with a tiny bit of help one evening.

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