Saturday, March 12, 2016

Books, Baseball, and the Barrio Queen

For my fellow book lovers, here is another recommendation. We have enjoyed quite a bit of quiet time in the back yard of the house we are renting while reading books and maybe having some yummy guacamole, cheese, crackers, and maybe a quaff or two. The book I most recently read is pictured below, and I very much enjoyed it. When I am not reading novels, I like history, science, and biography topics. Proof covered the science of booze in an interesting and fully scientific way. The chapters progress through topics in a sequence covering roughly the life an alcoholic beverage: yeast, sugar, fermentation, distillation, aging, smell and taste, body and brain, and hangover. (I sincerely hope the last of these is not always a part of the life of a beverage in your particular case, however!) Both entertaining and educational, it is well worth a read.

On Thursday, I attended another game, this time by myself. I got to see another of the several ball parks that host teams in the Cactus League, this one called Salt River Fields, plural because in addition to the main park, there are several additional fields in the complex that must be used for local youth baseball, recreational games, and practice.

I saw the Reds play the Rockies, and I was able to get a single seat in a nearly perfect location behind home plate. The Rockies let the game slip away by the score of 5 to 3.

Friday evening, we ate at an excellent southwestern style restaurant called the Barrio Queen. Part of the occasion was to allow a former work colleague of Kathie's to join us. Jean moved here from Iowa City last June and is adapting well to Arizona life. They enjoyed catching up with each other, and the rest of us enjoyed meeting her. Jean's daughter lives here, and just by random chance, Dick, Rina, Kathie and I had run into her here several years ago when we were at an Iowa-connected bar watching a bowl game between Iowa and Georgia Tech. I looked it up, and in fact, that was in 2010. I blogged about our time in Arizona with Dick and Rina then and included a photo of Kathie with Jean's daughter. You can find that blog entry here, if you really want to go back and see it.

Yesterday, we attended another Cubs game. They played the same Reds I had seen at Salt River Fields the day before. The Cubs succeeded in beating the Reds, though. Before the game started, we enjoyed Clark, the Cubs' mascot, as he clowned around near our seats along the line in right field. Good place to catch a foul ball, though we were unlucky in that department.

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