Wednesday, February 15, 2006

106 Days to Go

Well, I guess I have to get with the program. Two of my offspring are now blogging, and since I'm the original techno-geek in the crowd (my first introduction to computers was in 1965!), I should really be present out here in cyber-space.

Turns out I'm retiring in exactly 106 days. My birthday will be my last day of work for the good old U of I. On that day, I qualify for health care benefits, so I figure, why not bail out while the "gittins" good on the very next day? That will be one month short of 38 full years of employment at the U, but since I actually first experienced the U in 1960 as a band camper, I count 46 years of connection to the institution. That's enough. Time to move on. As a good friend says, "Time to have fun and then die." Time to build things, do photography, play with my grandchild (grandkids, if I get a little more help from the complete set of offspring), travel, read all these books I have piled up, drive my new pickup, whatever....

New pickup! A few weeks ago, I bought a new pickup truck to replace my Volkswagen Beetle. I know! Not quite the same kind of transportation, but I think I need something to haul my lumber, pull my boat up at the lake, and stuff like that. It's a previously unowned, dark cherry red, Chevrolet Colorado with an extended cab. Henry liked riding in it! That's what really matters. He and I will use it to haul lumber to build a treehouse somewhere in the forest out behind our cabin up at the lake in Wisconsin (in a few years).

Well. Look forward to more exciting news here in the future. I'm not going to do the ten year challenge thing. Hell, I can barely remember 5 years ago. Old fartism, you know.


Betsy said...

Yay blog! Did you hear the blog story on npr today? It's their story of the day if you subscribe to that podcast.
I know you said you're not doing it, but I highly reccommend the 10-Years-Ago Challenge! Read Amber's cute entry from the link on my site.

Carrie and Rob said...

That truck is BING cherry red!