Saturday, February 16, 2008

Slowly Getting Back to Normal

Thank goodness, the drying is flying over. While I was away last week, the last of the fans were finally packed up and removed. The carpet and underlayment were removed from the dining room, and the house has been declared dry, although we still think the humidity level is about 10% above normal.

Mark and his crew were here last week to begin rebuilding the living room. They began with insulation.

And then quickly moved on to putting drywall back up on the ceiling and walls.

Seams were taped and mudded, and then on subsequent days, the seams were further developed, the crown molding was installed, and the baseboard and other trim were put back.

There is still some cleaning to be done, and pursed lips help.

But things are slowly getting back to normal. Painters will be here on Monday!!


Betsy said...

thank goodness! I'm excited to see the paint choices.

LB said...

Looking good, Bill and Kathie!
Your construction crew is the best!