Monday, April 07, 2008

More Than A Box

More on "More Than a Box" in just a moment, but first...

Eleanor came to play with us all day today. Her dad brought her out first thing this morning. Naturally, we started with breakfast, including the required first course of Cheerios.

Because Kathie and I haven't been feeling well for several weeks, we haven't had much of a chance to keep up on our granddaughter's developments. Among other things, we discovered that she has a tooth! I'm sure more are on the way. We also learned that when it comes to becoming mobile, this little girl has decided not to waste time. She is just nine months old, but she has already learned to stand from a sitting position--see the proof below. Watch out world! Here comes Eleanor!

Now, back to the box. We had a couple of empty boxes in the living room, and Eleanor soon found them. Although there were plenty of other toys to play with, boxes are tough to beat. I will never be able to watch such shenanigans without thinking of the old Iowa City comedy troupe called Duck's Breath Mystery Theater, who did a very funny routine called "More Than a Box." It dealt exactly with the very delight that a child finds in playing with a box. I'll let the following pictures speak for themselves.

Finally, I have to share this one last shot. I guess Eleanor was trying to say, "Grandpa! Put the camera away already!"


Betsy said...

Look at her go! I'm so proud of my little niece! And I love that last expression. Hilarious!

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