Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Hummers (Not the Gas-Guzzling Kind)

I hung two hummingbird feeders yesterday. One was a gift to us from sister-in-law Gail (thanks!!) and the other is one I previously had. We put them on window hangers so that we can get a ringside seat. Hummers started showing up within 15 minutes. There are at least two and probably more, but one of the little guys is really aggressive and typically chases the other away, although today he/she was sometimes tolerating both on the perch at the same time. He sometimes even buzzes me when I step outside. I used my telephoto lens from just across the deck to catch the pictures below and had to take many to get these relatively good ones. After you read through this posting, I suggest you come back and click on each picture to see a larger version. The detail is rather amazing, if I do say so myself.

For starters, I managed to catch one hovering near the feeder. You can see the body and head clearly, but the wings are a blur at best.

Then I concentrated on capturing their color. They move so fast, and even when perched, the slightest movement sends them off. Typically, the camera shutter sound startled them enough to make the pictures a little blurry, but this one turned out well. They are iridescent, as you probably know. Their green backs and red throats shimmer.

Finally, here is one of a departing Hummer. If you click on this picture to see a larger version, you can see the amazing color and the blur of wings.

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