Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sharing Shower Weekend Pictures

I'm really falling behind on my postings. I took pictures at the baby shower and am only now getting around to sharing them. Mostly, it is an excuse for me to share pictures of my cute grandchildren.

For example, here is Clara enjoying her uncle's hammock. Actually, I'm not sure how much enjoying was going on. As I recall, she wasn't sure about the sensation. But she's cute!

Then there are these two wild and crazy guys, Henry and his friend Zach, who would be a cousin-in-law, I guess. They loved playing with this big blue ball. I wish I had a movie of the time Henry was running behind it and had his momentum roll him right over the ball and onto his back on the ground.

There was lots of fun and eating going on in Will and Sandy's back yard that weekend. The first night involved mass quantities of pizza. (Can the weather be any better than it is this year for outdoor fun?)

One uncle, who shall go unnamed, may have taught my grandson that showing off what he is presently eating can be funny (the first time or two). Also, Henry may be tiring of having a camera in his face all the time.

Meanwhile, Clara and her cousin-in-law Andrew got to know each other.

Here are those wild and crazy guys again. I was guilty of thinking that this would make a cute picture, which it did, but failing to realize that if they tried to get out on their own the hammock might simply dump them out on the ground, which it did. My bad! No crying or bruises though, so I didn't get in trouble with any of the parents.

Zach loves his Uncle Will. I think the feeling is mutual. It is easy to believe that someone is going to make a great father.

Oh, and there was a shower that weekend. Males were banned from the house during this time, but Kathie got several nice pictures of my lovely daughter-in-law opening gifts. There is another cute grandchild in there somewhere too.

I suppose I've overdone the balance of grandchild shots with this extra one of Clara, but she was just too darn fashionable for me not to post this one.

Eleanor was there too, of course. Here she is spending some time with her Aunt Betsy. ("Aunt Betsy" has a nice ring to it, don't you think?) By the way, I was the happy recipient of two babysitting opportunities with Eleanor these past two Wednesday evenings!!! That's Kathie's mother in the background. She sure looks like she was having a good time.

OK. Another picture of Clara and my darling daughter. We are into "so big" now. A couple mornings ago, Clara and I had a "so big" exchange via video conference. Wow--have things changed. Thinking about what was possible when I was that age and what is possible now. My folks might have tried to get me to talk to my aunts or grandparents or other relatives over the telephone, but a long distance call was relatively expensive, and so that would have been rare. Also, most relatives were very close by, so we saw them in person. Now many live hours away and we use the Internet to communicate in real time and with video. My profession involved me in these changes on a first-hand basis, but I'm still amazed by it all.

My daughter is pretty good at holding a camera out, pointing it back at herself/us and getting a decent picture. Witness below.

Finally, here's Betsy, Clara, and Eleanor in that hammock, which saw lots of use during this weekend.


Betsy said...

Those are some weird looking photos of me! Fortunately there's no lack of cuteness in those little girls to balance the photos a bit.

W.F. Decker said...

Nuh uh! Those are beautiful pictures of you!