Wednesday, April 08, 2009

A Prime Birthday

Well, I did it again. I failed to get this entry posted prior to the event. On Saturday, Will celebrated a prime number birthday. I'll leave it to you to figure out which one that might have been. In spite of the weekend weather troubles, Kathie and I were in Minneapolis to help with the celebration.

As before, I just don't know why time seems to go by so much faster for me now than it once did. How did Will so rapidly get to be the successful, grown-up person that he has become? Whatever the case, I don't want to let the moment go by without saying how much I admire the man he is. He can be serious, studious and creative. He never shies away from hard work, though he is often concurrently fifteen projects ahead of the time he has available. His values are sound, and he lives according to strong beliefs and principles. He may have inherited a certain amount of the stubbornness that some of us have, but then some of us don't think that is altogether bad. I always enjoy the time I can spend with him and with his family. I love watching him as a new father to that delightful grandson of mine, and I believe him to be a good partner in his marriage to our beautiful daughter-in-law Sandy. I am very proud of him and wish him many more years of happiness.

Likely not in chronological order, here are some favorite photos of Will. Many of you will recall stories and moments in time that lie behind some of these pictures. Happy Birthday, big guy!


Betsy said...

Who made him take his photo next to the bigfoot print? He's probably still traumatized.

Joyce said...

I was thinking the same thing Betsy....and inquiring minds want to know where that Bilbo tee shirt is now. Good trip down memory lane Bill. Thanks

Sarah said...

Neat post- it made me smile!