Thursday, April 30, 2009

Skewered by the Squirrels

It has been a continuing battle here at the lake trying to keep the squirrels from snarfing up all the birdseed while they also simultaneously keep the birds at bay. Two years ago, I put a baffle on the post to stop them from climbing up to reach the feeders. That worked reasonably well, but then they started climbing the adjacent trees and leaping onto the roofs of the wooden feeders. From there, they would grab the roof with their rear feet, drape themselves over the side, and eat merrily away.

Last year, I bought a feeder made entirely of metal and with a perch that allowed birds to eat but which would shut off access to the seed when the weight of a squirrel was on it. I also thought the squirrels would not be able to grab the metal roof and would slide right off if they tried to leap atop the feeder.

In addition, this morning, I got the bright idea that if I "studded" the roof of the wooden feeder with nails, the squirrels would find that jumping onto the roof would be unpleasant. So, here is the newly "squirrel-proofed" feeder after introducing the nails.

Here is how well that idea worked out.

And here is how the "slippery" all-metal feeder works.

In both cases, I have been thwarted. The squirrels still seem able to grab the roofs with their hind feet, drape themselves over the sides, and feast away.

I guess it is time for Plan C, whatever that might be. Squirrels are smarter than humans, I guess.


Betsy said...

That is hilarious. I one time, just for the hell of it, sprayed our shepherd's hook with cooking spray. It was fun to watch the first squirrel slowly slide back down as if it were on a stripper pole, but after that it didn't seem to work anymore. Good luck. You might have to borrow Anders' book "Those Darn Squirrels!"

Jackie said...

Shows you can't fight Mother Nature (or squirrels).