Friedman says it all far better than I can, but I want to say that I very much agree with his concerns about the growing divisiveness and bitterness in our country, which is too often fed by the cable news programs, various talk shows, a number of bitter extreme groups and individuals, and a certain past Vice President. I am also deeply disappointed in our elected officials and, specifically, in my own elected officials, such as Senators Grassley and Harkin. I respected that both of them would once take more centrist positions, represent Iowa's true core, and deal with issues in honorable ways. Lately, especially in the case of Senator Grassley, I hear them taking partisan positions only, distorting the truth, and misrepresenting facts. When they do this, they do not represent me. I dare say that most elected officials today worry more about their party and its position of power than they do about two important things: truly and honestly representing the people of the nation, and upholding the true ideals of our Constitution and Declaration of Independence.
I have begun to believe it true that there is a vast middle population that is being too quiet, that is not holding its elected officials accountable, and that fails to properly restrain those extremist groups and positions that may tear us apart. I hope we have not gone so far down this road that, like someone caught too deeply in a whirlpool, we cannot recover. I've not been good myself about writing to my elected officials or speaking out more about what I want. I think I should change in that regard. Maybe you can too. Also, I want to urge those who have opportunity to influence future generations to teach tolerance, open-mindedness, consideration, fairness and thoughtfulness. This country will not survive if we do not do this, or, if it does, it will not be the country I want to claim as my own.
Go back and click on the link I provided to the Friedman editorial and read it!