Monday, September 21, 2009


Our good friends David and Donna were here to visit us for a few days recently. In addition to some fishing outings, we watched some movies (most notably, Frost & Nixon and The Reader), tried out a new restaurant for breakfast, and enjoyed evenings on the deck. We guys tried to even the score of games of Hand & Foot, but alas, the ladies managed to beat us two games to one. That was an improvement, as the first time we ever played, they beat us about a bazillion games to one or two.

David sent me this picture of us which he took during their visit.

Since their departure, we have been out fishing a couple of times. Larger Crappie are starting to bite, and so we are having some good luck with them. Our neighbor invited us out with him Saturday mid-day, and we were introduced to several more good spots for Crappie. Kathie had some luck fishing for Bass out on the river near our home yesterday afternoon, while I worked on my 5000-piece puzzle. You may recall I started this puzzle around the 4th of July. See this earlier posting for details and a picture of the puzzle just out of the box. Here is how it looks now, with maybe 5/8 of it completed.

There is a lesson in planning ahead here. I naively thought it would fit on this table, but as you can see, one of the puzzle's dimensions exceeds the size of the table. So, I purchased a thin sheet of aluminum and rigged up a sort of extension. Thinking of the extra capacity Dad sometimes added to his wagons by adding vertical boards on the wagon sides, Dad might have referred to my approach as "sideboards."

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