Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Snow Shoes

For several years, I've thought that I might enjoy snowshoeing. When we were in Hayward this past weekend, I found some very nice snowshoes and poles deeply discounted and couldn't resist the temptation. I'm glad I didn't, because I've thoroughly enjoyed them so far. The number of miles I've covered so far is approaching ten. (Since November, I've been working at losing some weight. I'm down about 15 pounds so far, and part of my daily regimen is exercise. At home, I've been faithfully using my treadmill, but up here it has been hikes and snowshoe outings.)

A couple days ago, I decided to snowshoe around the perimeter of the lake out in front of our cabin. I took the camera along and at one point set it up with the timer to take my picture. Here I am.

For me, walking the perimeter involved staying about 15 feet out from the shoreline all the way around, including every little cove and bay. I first headed down to the bridge, then crossed the river, and headed back up the far side to the spot where the river enters the lake. Then I came back down our side of the lake back to our cabin for a total of about four miles.

Along the way, I encountered animal tracks of all kinds in the snow—deer, rabbits, and a long flat trail that I assume a beaver left behind. At one point I found a large round burrow into the side of the shoreline with lots of trampled snow all around the entrance and many of these long flat trails leading away. (Sorry, didn't think to photograph that!) Later, I found evidence suggesting that winter food supplies include oak trees. There were these victims.

And also this one.


Betsy said...

Looking good Dad!! I'm proud of you for sticking with your exercise. XO.

Betsy said...
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Betsy said...

Oops. Posted twice.

Jackie said...

You're getting as thin as that tree in the last picture! Keep up the good work and do a little extra for me!