I'm back at Betsy's house and working again on the treehouse. Betsy posted some pictures too, which you can see by clicking here. Today, I finished the pulley arm, to include some additional braces for it. Then I applied a first coat of paint while I could get at spots that will be more difficult to reach once all the final trim is installed. Next I put the fascia pieces on the roof and then began the shingling. I'll leave the final painting to Pete and Betsy. They want to do the trim in a nice green color.
When Betsy took this picture, she told me not to make any weird faces, which I guess I sometimes do when concentrating on a task.
Yesterday, when it rained most of the day, I worked inside the little house, or wee house as it is called in the plans. This included putting down a floor, making a trap door in the floor and a "hidey hole" for stashing secret stuff, and building these little bunk beds at one end of the house.
Henry and Clara are always excited when they get home from school or their other daily activities to see what progress has been made. When I was at the lake, I made a little table and a couple of small stools that I put inside the house. Clara was surprised to see them when she peeked inside.
I love the blue color! Is the pulley to haul things up like the new baby? Where is the trap door?
For the record, I only told Dad not to make any weird faces because every time I take his picture he looks at it and says "Well that was a dumb face."
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