Thursday, July 26, 2012

Farmstead Creamery and Cafe

When riding my bicycle last June, I passed a sign along the road that advertised a future opening of a place called the Farmstead Creamery and Cafe. Upon our return to the lake this July, we discovered that the establishment was now open. Only about 10 miles from us, the cafe is located out in the country quite away from any other businesses and off the beaten path. (I hope people find them!)

A few days ago, on our way home from a shopping trip, we decided to try them out for lunch. The owners are quite involved in the movement for locally grown, sustainable, organic foods. Their web site is here, and I located an interesting article about them here. I'm sure you will enjoy reading more about them.

Kathie, Mother and I enjoyed our lunch there. Mom had a couscous and chicken salad. Kathie had a unique grilled cheese type of sandwich. I had a sausage and cheddar quiche. Both Kathie and I had an interesting potato salad on the side. We took home some other goodies too—muffins, a cookie, and a comb of honey. The cafe offers fresh dairy products, meats, and handmade art and crafts as well.

If you are up this way sometime, you might enjoy going there with us.

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