Friday, July 13, 2012


For me, it can be difficult not to run for a camera when I see pretty flowers. They make such tempting subjects. We are in Wisconsin again, and I had thought that with the lack of rain, our flower beds would be suffering. Though it is dry, quite the opposite of suffering is true. The several different colors of petunias I planted have created an amazing display, and the other plants I added in past years are contributing their features as well. Just thought you might like to see them. We are waiting for a couple of potentially rainy days to pass and then we will try to get the rest of the house and deck staining finished up. In the meanwhile, I cleaned out the hot tub and put in a batch of fresh water. Then, this afternoon, I worked on installation of a new bow-mounted electric trolling motor on our boat. This one has lots of gee-whiz GPS and other electronics—boys and their toys, you know!

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