Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Anders' Birthday

We enjoyed an opportunity this past weekend to see Anders and his parents. Anders' birthday had already passed by a few days, but this gave all of us in Iowa City an opportunity to enjoy a late party with him. He enjoyed some time riding a Big Wheel around our driveway.

The three generations of us also posed for this picture. It was Anders first time to see my "new big blue pickup."

Later, we all traveled to one of our city parks for the official festivities. One of Anders surprises for this day was the chance to go to his first Hawkeye football game with his Mom, Dad, and Uncle Rob. Actually, it was supposed to be a surprise, but he somehow had deduced that he was going to get to go!

Cousin Eleanor posed on some of the playground equipment with her party hat.

Anders played a little baseball with me and his Dad.

Penny modeled her Hawkeye outfit.

Her dad wanted everyone to see his special T-shirt, which sported an image of the first, not-well-received adornment on the Cy-Hawk Trophy. (This trophy was sponsored by the Iowa Corn Growers Association, and for some reason, they seemed not to understand that the trophy should have a sports theme. This version of the trophy was scrapped in favor of something the public seems to like better. You can google for more on this story if you are so inclined.)

Anders opened lots of gifts...

while his Uncle Rob awaited the good food.

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