Friday, March 06, 2015


We arrived at Margaret and Murray's home this afternoon. There is a sign at the entrance to their home that says, "Welcome to Paradise." After spending even just a few hours here, we can see why!

At 4PM, Murray invited me to the daily bird feeding. I stood silently nearby as he began to fill the feeders. The birds obviously know him and expect him, because there was soon a serious cacophony of sounds.

This is what I saw almost immediately. Birds came from every direction. I was just completely blown away by the sound, the activity, and the color.

These birds are Lorikeets.

This is a Butcher Bird. There were Koukaburras too, but somehow I failed to capture a picture of one of them. Be assured that I'll be around at 4PM tomorrow to try again.

Later, we went for a walk around the property, and I took pictures of a few of the blossoms I saw.

As you can see, there is lots of color to enjoy, as well as great company. Guests are coming over this evening for dinner, so we will soon begin to meet M&M's friends.

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