Thursday, March 01, 2012


I suppose you might be saying, "Enough with the snow pictures already!" Maybe these will be the last for awhile (until Will, Sandy and Anders come for the weekend). A friend said recently that he hoped I was enjoying winter now, because I had been complaining about not having one.  Well, I am enjoying this (I won't likely ever be one of those so-called snowbirds who flee south in the winter). The beautiful scenery, the chance for snow-based recreation and exercise, and the fun of being in the woods in a cozy cabin are all great things.

Anyway, a good guy named Pete came by with his trusty Kabota tractor with attached snow blower (rear) and blade (front) and got us unstranded. The scenes below mostly speak for themselves, but I thought you would like to see how truly deep the snow was. I didn't relish the thought of digging us out by hand.

On the other hand, smaller areas, like our lake-side deck have given me plenty of opportunity for exercise. I actually enjoy being out and doing things like this, and the work helps me keep losing weight. (Have I mentioned that since November I'm down about 15 pounds?)

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