Monday, April 23, 2012

Treehouse Part V

Pete didn't have to work today, because it is Shure's 87th anniversary. What a nice company to give its employees a day off on the anniversary of the company's founding! He and I were quite a team while we worked on the treehouse, and what a beautiful day we had to work. First steps involved completing the framing for the peaks and then siding them.

Then we moved on to applying the roof boards.

Our ladder situation left something to be desired—we were unable to reach the highest portion of the roof. I decided that straddling the roof was not an unreasonable way to finish fastening down the final few boards—not the most comfortable approach, but it worked, and I guess I can now confirm that the wee house is pretty sturdy.

Here is the status of things when we wrapped up today. I'll be leaving for a few weeks but will return to finish up the project in middle May. Tune in later for the continuing saga.


amber c. said...

it's amazing, bill! what lucky grandkids you have!

Jackie said...

Looks great! Henry, Clara, and ? are lucky kids.