Sunday, April 07, 2013

WDW Postscript

(Sidebar: I kept seeing "WDW" during our vacation, which, of course, stands for Walt Disney World. However, years ago, all of us were barraged with the initials WMD, and I kept thinking about how I could change WDW into something like WMD but with a happier meaning. I came up with Weapons of Disney Wackiness and Weapons of Disney Wait-in-a-line, but those are not quite what I'm looking for. Your suggestions are welcome.)

We are all home again but with lots of great memories. After collecting additional photographs from Kathie, Will and Sandy, I decided to add a few postscript images for your reading pleasure.

Kathie took this one of three generations of us as we watched a TV program while waiting for the 3D Muppets experience. It seems we were all having a good time!

Anders was given an opportunity to take official Jedi knight training near the Star Wars attractions in Hollywood Studios. This involved taking a pledge to use the force only for good! Here he is with his practice light saber waiting his turn with a Jedi master. Later, his parents bought him a light saber of his own.

In this short little movie, Anders practices his light saber techniques.

You probably saw the earlier pictures of Anders the pirate. Here is a better shot of that pirate on the carousel.

When in the Animal Kingdom, we all did this white water rafting experience. We were warned in advance that, "You will get wet, possibly soaked."

Kathie and I avoided most of the big splashes and came out relatively dry. These three were not so lucky.

Finally, just to be ornery, here is a video from inside It's A Small World. If you play it, I will not be responsible for your having that song stuck in your head for days on end!

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