Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Dunedin and Taieri Gorge Train Ride

When we arrived in Dunedin early today, I watched this tug assist us into port. The dock was covered with pine logs that are a major industry in NZ. These, I understand, will become paper. These pines mature in only 20 years here, due to the climate, though they would take 60 years or more in the US. (All this according to someone we asked about them.)

Today's excursion was a train ride from Dunedin up through Taieri Gorge. The pictures below will give you some idea of what we saw. Amazing vistas, lots of tunnels, several trestles, and two fun stops.

The end point was at Pukerangi where a kind gentleman took this picture for us.

The originating station at Dunedin is said to be the most photographed building in New Zealand and possibly in the entire southern hemisphere. The tiles on the wall are Royal Dalton.

After, we toured the city and enjoyed stops in the botanical gardens and at several other impressive areas of the city. Tomorrow we cruise the fjords on the west coast of NZ.

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