Thursday, February 26, 2015

For the Gents: Splash Yer Boots

Some of you, especially those of a female persuasion or others who have a very proper side, may wish to move on to my prior posting about our time in Perth, but I couldn't resist sharing this with my male friends and relatives.

Aussies utilize a very colorful version of the English language and have lots and lots of fun slang and sayings. First of all, though I am a little uncomfortable taking photographs in a men's restroom, here is one nevertheless.

Now, to get back to my story, I was recently introduced to the saying, "splash yer boots" as in, "Let me know if you need to go splash yer boots" or, "Excuse me while I go splash me boots." If you put this much information together with the picture, you can figure out the rest. I love it!

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