Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Nine Holes of Golf

Peg and Rolland are with us for a few days. We haven't done much fishing yet, due to weather conditions. The one evening we were out resulted in more interesting bird sightings than anything else. Peg took this photo of two eagles who chose to grace the area we were fishing by joining each other in this dead tree. They sat there for the longest time making their fun clicking and chirping sounds.

Rolland got this photo of a Loon just before it dived. I think the image of the water and the bird is quite fascinating.

Yesterday, it was overcast all day and quite cool but with no serious threat of rain. So, we decided to play nine holes of golf, something Kathie and I had been wanting to do for awhile. Peg and Rolland hadn't played in several years. We all had such fun playing a variation of "best ball", laughing about not-such-great shots and cheering for the good ones we managed to get. I thought Kathie and Rolland showed really nice form in these two shots.

Kathie and I did this selfie using a regular camera, and even without being able to see what we were shooting, it turned out pretty well.

Then there is this demure look from my significantly better half.

Peg also showed good form on her shots.

Here is the foursome just after finishing our round of nine holes. By the way, the men beat the women by only two strokes.

We stopped for a few groceries on the way home and someone shrunk Rolland and Peg! I like the symbolism of the Honey Weiss Leinie's and the kiss.

Remember, "Leinie's! It's not just for breakfast anymore!" (That's a line from the very funny musical entitled "Guys on Ice." Click here for further information, and click here for one of the songs from the musical.)

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