Friday, April 20, 2012

Treehouse Part II

Betsy has also posted a story about this treehouse exercise, so you may want to navigate over there to read what she has to say. Her writing is more clever than mine.

Yesterday, after Pete and I finished the concrete around the last two posts, I spent a good bit of the morning at Home Depot procuring more materials. Henry only had half a day of school, so he helped me in the afternoon. It was too wet to work on the deck structure, so we decided to prefabricate some of the framing for the house that will sit atop the deck—we did two sides and the back. Henry was really into the job and was very helpful with measuring and assembly. We had one board with a little twist in it, so we used one of my straps to persuade it to get lined up properly.

Putting on some dance moves always helps to move things along.

I guess Grandpa makes funny faces when he is observing the work being done. (That face reminds me of my dad and uncle, both of whom used to do the same thing!)

Today, we should get the deck finished, as long as this morning rain goes away as promised.


Robbie said...

Looking good - I miss our old tree house.

Anonymous said...

No rain here, but colder...coming your way. Kathie

Jackie said...

It always helps to stick your tongue out when measuring or cutting...or doing just about anything (this was true even before Michael Jordan started the trend). You've got a great junior carpenter helping you! Can't wait to see the finished project.