Friday, February 05, 2016

Be the Ball

Rob and the girls came out a couple nights ago. We had originally planned to have breakfast together over the weekend, but that plan had to be canceled. So, we had "breakfast for supper" the night they came out. I made a German apple pancake from a recipe provided by Pete's mom Mary. It is so good. I think this was my best attempt so far at making it. Mary does the best, of course!

After dinner, the girls started playing with Kathie's exercise ball while we watched the Hawks' basketball game against Penn State (Hawks won!). I tried to hold their hands while they walked on the ball, but that mostly resulted in falling onto the ball, being bounced a bunch, and lots of giggling. One of those joyful noises. After awhile, though, with the ball wedged between the couches, they did manage to get their balance atop the ball for standing. Love those smiles! Love those girls!

1 comment:

Janice Doriguzzi said...

They are cutie pies!