Monday, July 18, 2011

Featuring Kathie

I understand it may be very warm where you are too. We are in a stretch of sticky, uncomfortable days. Thank goodness we can escape to the lower level of our Wisconsin home, where the temperature is quite a bit lower. The heat has not, however, stopped my dedicated fisherwoman from finding bass. A couple nights ago, she pulled in this 17" guy just across the bay from our home.

No, she didn't really kiss it.

Yesterday in the late evening as the sun got low and after the temperature had climbed to over 90ยบ, we had a nice rain shower. (We could still use more rain.) As the storm moved to the east, the low sun in the west lit up the sky in ways we have rarely seen before. Kathie took this and several other pictures of the sky, but I thought this one was especially nice. This picture has not been doctored in any way, and the colors are very true to what we actually saw. The sky and the lake had strong pink hues. It was quite a pretty sight to behold.

1 comment:

Murray & Margaret in Aus said...

Looking good Kathy and the fish looks OK too. Awesome sunset. We have some good ones down here but nothing to compare to that.