Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lost Boats and Rainbows

Like all of you, we have been experiencing very hot weather and lots of humidity lately. In the evenings, we have had occasional storms, including a real downpour last night. During that downpour, I looked out at the lake and saw our boat drifting away! Evidently, a combination of our not cranking it up high enough on the lift, its taking on water that made its stern heavier, and some wind made it slip off the lift and escape its moorings. I ran down and threw a canoe into the water, paddled out to the boat, tied the canoe to the boat, and brought everything back to our dock. Needless to say, I got very wet in the process, and Kathie didn't much like me being out there while there was so much lightening. However, I was too preoccupied to take much of that into account in the moment. Kathie thought she needed a picture of me for some reason.

Awhile later, we were treated to what might have been the most spectacular rainbow or pair of rainbows (and there may have even been a faint third) I have ever seen, although growing up on the farm, I saw some mighty pretty ones. The dominant one gave off amazing color, which I don't suppose this picture captures all that well, but here it is for your enjoyment.

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