Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Picnic on an Island

Several of the days that Betsy and her family were here were quite warm. So, we decided to spend part of one of them on an island, where we could picnic, fish, and wade or swim on a sandy beach. Here are two of my darling girls at the island.

Here is another with Betsy, Henry and Clara preparing to wade on the beach.

Meanwhile, Kathie and Pete were fishing. Mostly, it was an excuse to cool one's feet in the water.

Later, there was swimming.

And a picnic.

I included this picture just because I think it is pretty. This little island, called Chipmunk Island, is a very nice spot to spend days like this one was.

Later, Betsy and Pete played some ping pong.

While Henry and Clara watched nearby from their sleeping quarters.

Be sure to tune in for the next posting, where Henry, Pete and I all become little boys and play with what some would consider questionable "toys."

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