Saturday, January 31, 2009


David Skorton, now President of Cornell University in New York, was in town yesterday to give the keynote speech at the annual Chamber of Commerce dinner. I worked for David for about 13 years when he was Vice President for Research and, later, President of the University of Iowa. He was a wonderful boss and is a great man, and the area misses him very much. So, it was fun to have a chance to see him again after more than 2½ years.

The current Vice President for Research kindly invited me to join a table that his office sponsored, so that I had a chance both to see and visit with David and to reconnect with all of my very good friends and colleagues from that office, where I worked myself for the last six years of my time at the UI. The Chamber dinner had record attendance, I think, surely because so many people wanted to see and hear David again.

Prior to the dinner, I enjoyed about 15 minutes with David and also with Robin Davison, his spouse, who is a distinguished medical researcher. We reminisced and discussed events in New York and here in Iowa City. What a pleasure it was to see them and so many of my other friends again!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Bed Delivery

We just returned from a brief weekend trip to Minnesota, the primary purpose of which was to deliver the bed I made for Will and Sandy. I've been terrible lately at taking advantage of photo opportunities, even when I have had my camera readily available. I loaded all the pictures I took this weekend into my computer this morning and see that I have none of Will and Sandy or of all of us having fun at a local restaurant or of the terrific meals Will fixed for us (roasted chicken the night we arrived; Belgian waffles and sausages on Sunday morning). I did get quite a few pictures of Anders, however. I wonder why?

You may recall a posting from months ago about the 1/4-scale canoe I made for Sandy. This was something she wanted to use to decorate Anders' room. Here is how it looks now that it is hanging on the wall, with lots of toy northland critters in it. I think it looks really cute. I like the way Sandy and Will tipped it forward slightly so that you can see the interior of the canoe. I feel honored to know that this is one of the things Anders gets to look at each day from his crib. Will and Sandy have made his room really delightful with all kinds of stimulating, eye-catching things.

And speaking of Anders, here is that little bundle of joy "in process" as his father dresses him for the day. Don't you love his Smart Wool socks?

Here is the "finished product." Mr. Squirmy Guy seemed to like the clothing choices his dad made for him. He had a bit of a cold while we were there, so he was about to head off for a quick checkup at the doctor's office, just to make sure there wasn't something more serious going on--there wasn't. However, his cold interfered with his sleeping habits, so mom and dad weren't getting the sleep they needed.

Later in the day, Anders took some time to explain to me the properties of hyperspace using this three-dimensional model as a visual aid. He said it is also useful for demonstrating the structures of certain chemical molecules. He's so smart!

Oh, the bed! This was one of the main reasons for the visit. Will and I collaborated last spring in drawing up a plan for a Mission-style bed for him and Sandy. I had expressed interest in building something nice for them, and so they said a bed was something they had been wanting. In the tradition of Mission-style furniture, I used quarter-sawn white oak. The wood was beautiful and fascinating to work with. The project turned out pretty well. Here is what it looks like installed in their bedroom and dressed up with the box spring, mattress, and the pretty quilt they use. As far as I know, it hasn't collapsed so far during their nights of sleep (or no sleep, depending on Anders' cold).

We got to see Sarah too this weekend. She came over for the afternoon, and entertained Anders playing "bounce on the couch." Later, we all went out to dinner together at a local restaurant. (However, I have no proof of that because I failed to get pictures! Duh!)

Anders and I spent some time hanging out on the sofa. (And, yes, I did eventually break down and shave.)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Very Happy Day All Around

What a happy, exciting day it was yesterday!! The inauguration, the enthusiasm, the hope, the delightful first family image, the tears, the pride, ... If you haven't as yet seen the posting that Sandy did of Anders watching the inauguration, you should slip over to their blog. That picture says it all!

I watched CNN almost nonstop, to include the parade and some of the ball coverage. I snapped this picture of our new first couple from my TV set while they watched the parade. They look tired already, and they had hours to go and lots of dancing yet to do. (Nevertheless, they were hard at work early this morning, already beginning to act on promises previously made.)

During the parade, some extra joy was pumped into our home, as Granddaughter Eleanor stopped by for a visit. Here she is with Grandma reading a very smelly scratch and sniff book called "The Sweet Treats Carnival." Of course, she already knows the names of all the characters in the story.

Meanwhile, Josey gazed into the rising sun of our crystal ball, trying to see all the good things that await us as our new President leads us forward.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy 90th Birthday, Aunt Irene!

We attended a gathering in honor of Aunt Irene's 90th birthday yesterday. I guess I should have asked her to scoot her chair over so that it didn't look like we were trying to isolate her in the picture below!! It was good to see her and Uncle Ed and all the other family members and friends. Her actual birthday is today. Uncle Ed will be 92 in February. Happy Birthday to them both!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Clara's First Birthday

January 8th--Clara's first birthday! Seems like we should break out that old Leslie Gore song, but then, Clara wasn't crying, so I guess that isn't necessary. (If you weren't around in the 50s and early 60s, this may mean nothing to you.)

Clara wasn't crying. She was happy, happy. "Another present for me? What's this one?"

"Oh! It's a lovely new sweater!"

"But, I really love the tissue it came in. So much more fun to play with."

"My brother received a gift or two as well. What's that about?"

"Wow! I love these slippers. Are they mine?"

"Helena and Sebastian! So nice of you to come over for my party!"

"Sebastian! You used to smack me when we met, now you have your hand on my knee. I guess that's progress."

"The lasagna birthday dinner is a wonderful idea, but while I wait, let's have some Os as hors d'oeuvres."

"Auntie Liz--don't you just love the beads that Grandpa Bill made for me? Let's string them all on this lace."

"Mom! A cake for me? You shouldn't have."

"I'll need a little help blowing out that candle."

"Maybe I'll just blow it a kiss."

"Henry said I should dig right into the cake with my fingers. I never get to do that with my food! This is fun!"

"A whole piece for me? Wow!"

"Mom! It is soooooo good! Thanks for making it for me!!!"

Happy Birthday, Clara!"

Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas Rounds n, n+1, n+2, ...

I've been pretty slow about getting pictures and stories posted. For those of you waiting to see them, my apologies. Subsequent to our first three rounds of Christmas gatherings, we enjoyed having Will's, Rob's, and Betsy's families with us for the day on December 29th. We enjoyed a big ham dinner, opened gifts, and played. Betsy's family and Will's family stayed with us a few nights as well, so we got to see everyone several more times over the following days. Below ar selected pictures taken over the course of those gatherings.

Northwestern played in a bowl game on the 29th, as I recall. Clara was decked out for that occasion. I thought her "Bampa Herr" (a Northwestern alum) might want to see this shot!

Her mother was a little slow getting started that same morning. With grandparents around to help out, it was nice that she could take a little extra time for herself for a change.

We had not seen Anders since October, so we were excited when Will and Sandy showed up with Anders peeking out of his infant seat.

Aunt Betsy grabbed him soon thereafter (she was dressed by then).

Oscar sought out Great Grandma Novy when Rob's family arrived.

And Eleanor said hello to Grandma.

Naturally, I thought Anders was quite well dressed for dinner.

Henry was in charge of passing out lottery scratch tickets prior to the rest of our gift opening.

Grandma and I were very excited to receive the special Christmas tree ornament that Henry made for us.

Here is Henry playing with his new crane.

Eleanor wanted to take a ride on our little roller coaster. Her Dad first set it up in the basement for her, but we eventually moved it upstairs where it got heavy use.

Anders and I spent a bit of time together at the dinner table.

On New Year's Day, he was all decked out for the Hawkeye's appearance in the Outback Bowl.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Christmas Rounds 1, 2, and 3

We began celebrating the holidays on Christmas Eve Eve with good friends.

 Kathie and I collaborated on the food. I made egg nog and oyster stew, and Kathie made a cheesy toasted bread, all of which combined to provide the appetizers. Then Kathie served a steak Diane and all the trimmings. She topped that off with an outrageously good, rich butterscotch layer cake.

Kathie had gone to extra trouble too to provide fun. She decorated each plate with a little, windup, walking Santa or Frosty. We soon engaged in Santa races and Santa vs. Frosty sumo wrestling matches. After dinner, we had a "white elephant" gift exchange, with some lovely things being offered. Then we played Trivial Pursuits until the food comas hit all of us, and we had to call it an evening.

For round 2 of our celebrating, which occurred on Christmas Day, Kathie, her mother, Josey, and I began the day with a gift exchange. Josey opened her gift first. She has a very delicate approach.

Kathie received a very pretty pair of hot plates from Ron and Paula.

I received an interesting piece of art work made from various pieces of driftwood. Paula thought it would be a handsome piece to display on our new sunporch.

We surprised Mother by framing a birthday card that her husband, Stan, had given her years ago. It was one she had kept for years with fond memories. Kathie and I had managed to sneak it out of her possession some time back. Then we had it dry mounted and matted, and I made a frame for it. It was a big hit. We can't recall Mother showing as much emotion as she did over this particular gift. In the picture, you should also take note of the necklace that Kathie made for her.

For dinner on Christmas Day, Kathie fixed a small turkey and all kinds of other good things. Then another round of food comas hit the house.

The following morning and for round 3 of our celebrating, we drove to the Amanas to join Rob, Carrie, Eleanor, and Carrie's parents, Dave and Sue, for (guess what!) more eating. Family style fruit and juice, pancakes (extra good), toast, eggs, sausage, and bacon! All you can eat! Yum!

Great Grandma Novy gave Eleanor the Christmas stocking she had needle-pointed for her.

Here we all are enjoying all of that good food.

There were additional rounds of celebrating, about which reports will be issued in the near future.