Friday, January 02, 2009

Christmas Rounds 1, 2, and 3

We began celebrating the holidays on Christmas Eve Eve with good friends.

 Kathie and I collaborated on the food. I made egg nog and oyster stew, and Kathie made a cheesy toasted bread, all of which combined to provide the appetizers. Then Kathie served a steak Diane and all the trimmings. She topped that off with an outrageously good, rich butterscotch layer cake.

Kathie had gone to extra trouble too to provide fun. She decorated each plate with a little, windup, walking Santa or Frosty. We soon engaged in Santa races and Santa vs. Frosty sumo wrestling matches. After dinner, we had a "white elephant" gift exchange, with some lovely things being offered. Then we played Trivial Pursuits until the food comas hit all of us, and we had to call it an evening.

For round 2 of our celebrating, which occurred on Christmas Day, Kathie, her mother, Josey, and I began the day with a gift exchange. Josey opened her gift first. She has a very delicate approach.

Kathie received a very pretty pair of hot plates from Ron and Paula.

I received an interesting piece of art work made from various pieces of driftwood. Paula thought it would be a handsome piece to display on our new sunporch.

We surprised Mother by framing a birthday card that her husband, Stan, had given her years ago. It was one she had kept for years with fond memories. Kathie and I had managed to sneak it out of her possession some time back. Then we had it dry mounted and matted, and I made a frame for it. It was a big hit. We can't recall Mother showing as much emotion as she did over this particular gift. In the picture, you should also take note of the necklace that Kathie made for her.

For dinner on Christmas Day, Kathie fixed a small turkey and all kinds of other good things. Then another round of food comas hit the house.

The following morning and for round 3 of our celebrating, we drove to the Amanas to join Rob, Carrie, Eleanor, and Carrie's parents, Dave and Sue, for (guess what!) more eating. Family style fruit and juice, pancakes (extra good), toast, eggs, sausage, and bacon! All you can eat! Yum!

Great Grandma Novy gave Eleanor the Christmas stocking she had needle-pointed for her.

Here we all are enjoying all of that good food.

There were additional rounds of celebrating, about which reports will be issued in the near future.

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