Monday, January 26, 2009

Bed Delivery

We just returned from a brief weekend trip to Minnesota, the primary purpose of which was to deliver the bed I made for Will and Sandy. I've been terrible lately at taking advantage of photo opportunities, even when I have had my camera readily available. I loaded all the pictures I took this weekend into my computer this morning and see that I have none of Will and Sandy or of all of us having fun at a local restaurant or of the terrific meals Will fixed for us (roasted chicken the night we arrived; Belgian waffles and sausages on Sunday morning). I did get quite a few pictures of Anders, however. I wonder why?

You may recall a posting from months ago about the 1/4-scale canoe I made for Sandy. This was something she wanted to use to decorate Anders' room. Here is how it looks now that it is hanging on the wall, with lots of toy northland critters in it. I think it looks really cute. I like the way Sandy and Will tipped it forward slightly so that you can see the interior of the canoe. I feel honored to know that this is one of the things Anders gets to look at each day from his crib. Will and Sandy have made his room really delightful with all kinds of stimulating, eye-catching things.

And speaking of Anders, here is that little bundle of joy "in process" as his father dresses him for the day. Don't you love his Smart Wool socks?

Here is the "finished product." Mr. Squirmy Guy seemed to like the clothing choices his dad made for him. He had a bit of a cold while we were there, so he was about to head off for a quick checkup at the doctor's office, just to make sure there wasn't something more serious going on--there wasn't. However, his cold interfered with his sleeping habits, so mom and dad weren't getting the sleep they needed.

Later in the day, Anders took some time to explain to me the properties of hyperspace using this three-dimensional model as a visual aid. He said it is also useful for demonstrating the structures of certain chemical molecules. He's so smart!

Oh, the bed! This was one of the main reasons for the visit. Will and I collaborated last spring in drawing up a plan for a Mission-style bed for him and Sandy. I had expressed interest in building something nice for them, and so they said a bed was something they had been wanting. In the tradition of Mission-style furniture, I used quarter-sawn white oak. The wood was beautiful and fascinating to work with. The project turned out pretty well. Here is what it looks like installed in their bedroom and dressed up with the box spring, mattress, and the pretty quilt they use. As far as I know, it hasn't collapsed so far during their nights of sleep (or no sleep, depending on Anders' cold).

We got to see Sarah too this weekend. She came over for the afternoon, and entertained Anders playing "bounce on the couch." Later, we all went out to dinner together at a local restaurant. (However, I have no proof of that because I failed to get pictures! Duh!)

Anders and I spent some time hanging out on the sofa. (And, yes, I did eventually break down and shave.)

1 comment:

Janice and Mike said...

What a great bed! You did a fantastic job on it!